Boulderlandia is a climbing track located in the State of Mexico, in Atizapán de Zaragoza, where you can find with an authentic professional climbing center.
Boulderlandia has more than 400 square meters of climbing surface, divided into 3 giant vertical surface modules that reach up to the ceiling. If this does not seem like enough of a challenge for you, you can climb through one of its 2 independent modules with exits or "top out" which are unevenness and inclinations on the walls.
In addition, the entire gym is covered by a special cushioning system guaranteeing maximum safety for climbers, children and adults.
Within its complementary facilities for adventurers you can find camp boards, block boards, multi-hold boards, rock rings, TRX training systems and slack lines.
For children from 6 to 14 years old, Boulderline offers a climbing school; while for those over 15, they will be able to do planned training programs based on their skills and physical condition.
Av. Porfirio Díaz #18d Colonia Real de Atizapán Atizapán de Zaragoza
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