Enigma Rooms Querétaro

Hacienda Grande 206, Jardines de la Hacienda, 76180 76180 Querétaro (City)Querétaro
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Description of Enigma Rooms Querétaro

Imagine being a spy for a day, you are dressed in civilian clothes and you are entering into the Cold War theme. The world is in your hands and you have to be able in 60 minutes to discover the bad guy from the KGB, the group of Russian spies.

In this mode stealth and the art of going unnoticed is the key so that you can defeat this game mode that has a high difficulty.
You and your group of up to 5 people have to soak up and get involved in the plot, you know what they say. Love what happens before achieving the goal rather than love the goal.

It's 1965 and you have little time to get killed, run, breathe, act, feel what it's like to get out of an escape game.

On the other hand, be careful in the second mode they will kill you, a serial killer takes slow steps until he reaches you. He wants your corpse and wants to break you into pieces.

Be the hero of this story and reach the exit. Remember that in 60 minutes you can do many things, make the most of them.
Or Conan Doyle and his investigator, Sherlock. With tricks and body readings try to reach the end of the clues.

Play this in an escape room!

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Useful information

7 years Advertised on Yumping
4011765 Licence Nº
April 10th 2018 last update
NEGOCIO CREATIVO ORVI S.A. DE C.V. Company legal name
NCO1611287X2 Commercial register number


Price catalog from Enigma Rooms Querétaro


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