If you want to experience a refreshing adventure in nature at Expeditions Ik'ha we invite you to go kayaking on the Oxolotán River, south of Tabasco.
As fans of adrenaline and fun, at Expeditions Ik'ha we have chosen this river for its flow and the landscapes that surround it. We are going to paddle in a group kayaking in the company ofspecialized guides down the river.
The river from Oxolatán to Tapijulapa has several sections, in one of them we will have to test our skills maintaining balance when rowing through rapid rivers. In others, however, we will have a little walk enjoying the landscapes drawn by the waterfalls, springs and rock walls.
In another of our expeditions we take you a full weekend to the Chichonal Volcano where in addition to kayak we are going to walk along the trails of the volcano, camping in nature, doing a strong>bonfire and flying cantoya balloons.