Gotcha Élite Pachuca

Blvrd Luis Donaldo Colosio, Santiago Jaltepec, 42000 Pachuca de Soto, Hgo., México 42000 PachucaHidalgo
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Description of Gotcha Élite Pachuca

With Gotcha Elite Pachuca you can experience one of the most exciting and, above all, stress-relieving sports, gotcha or also known as paintball. Its facilities are located in Santiago Jaltepec, in the city of Pachuca. So if you are in the city center, it will be easy to access them.

Enjoy a day of paint, dirt, obstacles, strategies and dynamics with your family and friends. With Gotcha Élite Pachuca, you will find the ideal option depending on the time you want to spend on the field and the number of attendees. For example, you will find packages that will include 100 paintballs, 250 and 450. However, if you would like to hire more, you can do so directly in the field. It is worth mentioning that if you are a student and have a current card, you will have more promotions.

Gotcha Elite Pachuca has quality protective equipment, so you will be equipped with the best and specialized material to do this sport. Did you know...? The markers will be able to expel the paint pellets at a speed of no more than 90 meters per second. Therefore, it is important to wear a special suit, in addition to protecting your own clothing.

Enjoy fun and adrenaline in that gotcha field. It is worth mentioning that the paint pellets used by Gotcha Élite Pachuca are biodegradable and are made with food coloring and gelatin. Its color is soluble in water, so if your clothes get stained, it will be easy to remove the mark.

Live this adventure in Pachuca, you will not regret it.

Paintball Paintball Hidalgo Paintball Pachuca

Useful information

4 years Advertised on Yumping

Awards in Yumping



IMPRESA GOLD Paintball Hidalgo 2021


Price catalog from Gotcha Élite Pachuca