If you like recreational tourism, Evoluteotl is a company that you will love.
We want to offer you a new alternative to your leisure and recreational activities, in which you can take advantage of this great opportunity to do outdoor sports in a very fun way.
We seek to take advantage of all the natural spaces within our reach, we offer rappelling and climbing classes, in which you will learn everything about this sport, you can start with the basic level and in a very short time you will be ready to conquer the big ones. steep peaks. The first classes you take will take place in the escalodromo, there you will begin to acquire skills that will be very useful in your outdoor practice.
Another of the activities we do is walking or, better known by the experts who practice this sport, hiking, which is practiced in the medium and high mountains around the State of Mexico, which has beautiful places to visit.
We are waiting for you so you can practice sports and live a great day of exciting adventure in Texcoco.
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